Dream of Periods

MEANING: Dream of periods symbolises that someone congratulates you and you share the moment with friends. You feel you are loosing your femininity. You need to spend more quality time with your partner so that the relationship does not continue to decline. The answer will be very satisfactory and you will feel comforted and happy. It is important to consider your family circumstances when making decisions.

SOON: Dream of periods shows that patience and tranquility are virtues you have at your fingertips. It’s a good day for everything you set your mind to. Your life is now saturated with activities, changes and many emotions. It’s a good day to feel that freedom you long for so many times. There are many who have their eyes on you.

FUTURE: Dream of periods suggests that you will notice that empathy is a magnificent virtue. Every union is strengthened and new doors are opened for you. You will feel loved and will be glad to have broken with the past. Keeping communication as it was before will not be so difficult. For that reason, you will not lack friends to support you when you need them.

ADVICE: Try to dose a little more all those activities. Evaluate all the possibilities and be very clear about the responsibilities that you contract.

WARNING: Hold that anger inside you and don’t argue with a colleague at work. Don’t be surprised if he demands more sincerity.

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