Dream of Big Black Turtle

Dream of big black turtle expresses that you are not being understood or someone is not understanding you. If you are interested, don’t get upset and play dumb so that he won’t even notice. After all, you are not obliged to listen to the words of someone who comes with bad manners. Then you will get things flowing in your life a little more comfortably. You don’t show your attraction to another person until you are sure the feeling is mutual.
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Dream of Black Turtle

Dream of black turtle suggests that if you have recently left a relationship, it is not yet time to start a new one. If you hurt him with your words, apologize sincerely. Many natives of the sign have left their usual occupations and are now taking a break. Finance and heart will have much to do with a new relationship for singles. If you are not in a good economic situation, reduce your expenses to the maximum.
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