Dream of Broken Crockery

MEANING: Dream of broken crockery shows that a misunderstanding or lack of communication could lead to conflict today. You are feeling shameful of your life circumstances. Write down on a piece of paper everything negative and sad that has affected you and burn or bury it. You are reevaluating your own path to success. Your emotional balance will bring better moments with those closest to you and everyone will benefit.

SOON: Dream of broken crockery signifies that actually, you use it to protect yourself. Luck has come to stay for a while, but you must make an effort so that everything goes well. Professional life, your career, your work are favorably enhanced. If your partner is not as enthusiastic as you are, convince her nicely, without arguing. The proximity of your birthday makes you feel in a good mood.

FUTURE: Dream of broken crockery symbolises that the connection between you will be indisputable. Someone can give you a good idea to save or to better organize all that. You will be strongly tempted to leave everything behind and take a new path with a person. You may encounter internal resistance, but you can overcome it all if you decide to act. You will determine what you want, where you are going and with whom.

More about Broken Crockery

Dream of crockery means that the connection between you will be indisputable. Someone can give you a good idea to save or to better organize all that. You will be strongly tempted to leave everything behind and take a new path with a person. You may encounter internal resistance, but you can overcome it all if you decide to act. You will determine what you want, where you are going and with whom.

ADVICE: At work, you must regain your self-confidence and use your mind in a positive way. Lead as orderly a life as possible, at least until everything is stable again.

WARNING: Don’t push your luck or spend money on games of chance. Don’t think badly of these people because they need to see results before they launch.

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