Dream of Being Incarcerated

MEANING: Dream of being incarcerated shows that services you provide to others will be rewarded. If you are sincere and passionate, everything will be better. You must give your best to the other person. You need to find more productive ways to spend your time. You are very active at work, which makes you forget about your free time.

SOON: Dream of being incarcerated suggests that you’ve decided to live from day to day, without thinking too much about it. One of the most outstanding qualities in you is your joy and faith in the future. It’s time to get to work on that new decoration or extension of your house. It’s about being realistic, valuing everything you have. You have been working with your own emotions for a long time, trying to understand and manage them.

FUTURE: Dream of being incarcerated suggests that you may choose to sign up for yoga or pilates. Getting out of it won’t be too difficult if you get involved in a task you like. There are good options for you to find what you are looking for, as long as you are positive. A radical change in your attitude will be observed. They will do it very soon because the idea is good and you have worked a lot.

ADVICE: Use the energy you have now wisely to start something new in your existence. Treat yourself to sleep until you feel like it or do nothing all day.

WARNING: In any case, if you do not find good predisposition on his part, do not feel frustrated. Don’t worry so much about solving other people’s problems.

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