Dream of Witnessing Someone Being Killed

MEANING: Dream of witnessing someone being killed means that you need to slow down and not try to please everyone. You are afraid to confront the unknown aspects of yourself. Protect your dreams and ignore those who do not believe in them. Your body may be undergoing age-related changes that you find difficult to accept. The lighter you pack, the better.

SOON: Dream of witnessing someone being killed indicates that your intuition wants to tell you something, but it needs you to connect with yourself. Your way of being is very pleasant for others, as if you had a familiar air. Your partner sends you signals to spend more time. You can feel the unlimited abundance of the universe by being grateful for everything you have. You are very versatile and jump from one topic to another with ease.

FUTURE: Dream of witnessing someone being killed expresses that perhaps you will consider taking a further step in your relationship. Now there are many things happening around you. He will be telling you the truth and you must show him all your support and understanding. A move will require time, space and attention from you. The time is perfect to combine leisure time with work or profession.

More about Witnessing Someone Being Killed

Dream of witnesses signifies that perhaps you will consider taking a further step in your relationship. Now there are many things happening around you. He will be telling you the truth and you must show him all your support and understanding. A move will require time, space and attention from you. The time is perfect to combine leisure time with work or profession.

ADVICE: Write what you dream of as you may find important answers or solutions. Commit yourself to take care of what you love and you will avoid some troubles.

WARNING: Analyze the failures and you will see that there are things beyond your will and your action. Beware of your frankness in speaking as it may hurt susceptibilities.

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