Dream of Walking On Salt

MEANING: Dream of walking on salt symbolises that you have neglected some friends you love very much and that is not good. Something is discouraging you and you are not doing your best at work. There is someone who wants to tell you something but does not dare to do so for fear of your reaction. It will be a perfect day for it because they will have time to listen to you and give you their opinion. You are too accustomed to your old habits and way of thinking.

SOON: Dream of walking on salt means that you are learning from life’s lessons and have temporarily become its student. You need the support of the people you love to cope with the workload. You dare to bravely break with everything that humiliated you or hindered your progress. What you need to look at in detail is whether these opinions are not somewhat interested. Having fun with others and being sociable is good, but sometimes you overdo it and that is not good.

FUTURE: Dream of walking on salt signifies that you come out little by little from that state of uncertainty and laziness in which you feel lost. Someone will make you a proposal that you should study very carefully. If you stop to reflect, you will find an explanation for each of the things that happen. Someone will propose you to join a most suggestive plan that you cannot refuse. Finance and heart will have much to do with a new relationship for singles.

More about Walking On Salt

Dream of salt shows that you come out little by little from that state of uncertainty and laziness in which you feel lost. Someone will make you a proposal that you should study very carefully. If you stop to reflect, you will find an explanation for each of the things that happen. Someone will propose you to join a most suggestive plan that you cannot refuse. Finance and heart will have much to do with a new relationship for singles.

ADVICE: If you are thinking of moving to a new home, city or workplace, wait a while. Dare to take the step as you have nothing to lose.

WARNING: Don’t trust someone who suddenly treats you in a very friendly way. Think that this perfection is not necessary and that each one thinks what is more counterintuitive.

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