Dream of Gathering Sand

MEANING: Dream of gathering sand expresses that you may receive good professional news. For the past few weeks you have been flirting with a person you feel closer to. You will wake up with somewhat improved health. Your ego will feel very comforted and your mood, through the clouds. Don’t sign anything today, any important document, because you might regret it later.

SOON: Dream of gathering sand suggests that you should make peace with a relative with whom you argued and you don’t even know why. You want someone to value your skills, so empower them on the outside. You are happy that someone close to you is achieving a goal or advancement in the field. It’s time to realize your ability to influence other co-workers. The best thing is that you get to know each other little by little, without discarding anything.

FUTURE: Dream of gathering sand indicates that maybe this is the opportunity you were looking for to start from scratch. You will be a great host and you will win everyone over with your fine irony. Specifically, it would be good these days to avoid superfluous expenses in stores. At home you will have to face a new unexpected. Perhaps in the afternoon you would like to be alone.

More about Gathering Sand

Dream of gathering indicates that maybe this is the opportunity you were looking for to start from scratch. You will be a great host and you will win everyone over with your fine irony. Specifically, it would be good these days to avoid superfluous expenses in stores. At home you will have to face a new unexpected. Perhaps in the afternoon you would like to be alone.

Dream of sand suggests that as for love, the beloved person will be like a protective refuge in the face of problems. You tend to tempt luck, but with experience you will learn to be more prudent. The day will end in a very positive way for you. You will be sure of yourself, you will forget the doubts. You can show your most outgoing face to strangers.

ADVICE: Rest more and sleep more too because you need to get your health back on track. Don’t be surprised if a friend behaves in a way you don’t expect.

WARNING: Don’t be discouraged if some things don’t work out at first. Reconcile with the past and leave it behind.

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