Dream of Hitting Jackpot

Dream of hitting jackpot expresses that be cautious, and don’t rush into something you may later regret. Every effort you make today will be compensated in the future and that will reward you inwardly. At last those black clouds that had settled on your sentimental life dissipate. You are putting yourself in a dangerous situation. Your senses will be very tuned and therefore the sensations will be intense in all aspects.
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Dream of Getting Jackpot

Dream of getting jackpot means that you will be very affectionate with the people you love and that affection will come back to you multiplied. Your children are demanding your attention, give it to them or you could lose their trust. Don’t participate in a discussion that will take place silly among some of your friends or family. You know that your constancy has given you great fruits in other occasions. In a short break you will have the opportunity to deepen your own feelings.
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Dream of Winning Jackpot

Dream of winning jackpot expresses that you prepare a trip or establish a contact with the foreigner that involves an income. You’re going through too many changes lately and it’s taking its toll. You change certain attitudes to create a better environment around you, even at work. You are trying to appear innocent to others. Do them as soon as possible and don’t stay anchored.
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Dream of Jackpot

Dream of jackpot suggests that be patient, but do not give in easily to what is proposed. Go ahead with your plans for the present and future. You value yourself more and will demand more professional respect. This way everything will develop much more easily and will come out well. You will be upset by the way a family member approaches a certain situation.
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