Dream of Green Landscape

Dream of green landscape means that today will be tinged with some situations that you could not foresee and that could unsettle you. The opinions will not be what you expected, but they will help you a lot to clear your horizon. You rejoice in your heart and celebrate with her, as you feel, in part, responsible for her success. Soften your character and let sweetness flow. At work you can’t shut up if you think an injustice is being done.
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Dream of Beautiful Landscape

Dream of beautiful landscape shows that leave any thorny issues to be addressed for another time. Put your mind in order and use your experiences wisely so that you can choose wisely. You need to be careful not to overindulge in too many excesses. Be flexible, play with the circumstances and don’t fall for the complaint or the victim. Turn a deaf ear, and try to concentrate your thought and energies on more productive things.
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