Dream of Going To Mass

MEANING: Dream of going to mass suggests that something is about to happen that you have been wanting to happen for a long time. You could be commissioned to do a project outside your usual job that will provide you with extra income. Your goals are not the same as they were a year ago. Your health is fundamental and that is what you should value above all else. Now you will not know limits because that inner regeneration will also be mental.

SOON: Dream of going to mass symbolises that generosity makes you the first to take out your wallet to pay for the round of canes and skewers. There are more important values and that is what you have to work on right now. You are at a crossroads from which you can only come out by yourself. You get everything you want, when you want it. You return to a place that you have always loved and that helps you feel better.

FUTURE: Dream of going to mass suggests that you learn not to be unfair to the reactions and attitudes of those closest to you. You have ahead of you some days in which your vitality will stand out. You won’t get serious with anyone, but you will have a great time. If you let yourself go, you will enjoy a romantic and passionate encounter. A friend who disappointed you will ask your forgiveness and the waters will return to their course.

ADVICE: Make up your mind to live the only life you have with all the consequences. Take advantage of his experience to advance, he will give you ideas.

WARNING: Don’t let yourself be conditioned by what happened in the past. Don’t rush into a decision that might be too visceral.

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