Dream of Someone Wearing Torn Clothes

MEANING: Dream of someone wearing torn clothes suggests that you will be very clear about what you wish to communicate and will not give room to misunderstandings. Running away from reality will only lead you to face it without the proper information. Today you will have the opportunity to show this facet with a person who is going through a complex moment. You are unsure of the ground that you are standing on. Let nothing disturb you, not even your own thoughts.

SOON: Dream of someone wearing torn clothes expresses that you can take the leap as long as you do it with awareness of what you are doing. You have the ability to do what you set out to do. The future looks much better and you regain peace of mind in many aspects of your life. You have learned the lessons in the intimate and personal of your life. Family news is much better than you expected.

FUTURE: Dream of someone wearing torn clothes suggests that the family will not be a heavy burden to bear. You strengthen your self-esteem and take forward what you had set out to do before the summer. Actions and your way of thinking will change and you will feel more sensitive and more human. Hidden talents in art, music, dance, manifest themselves to the amazement of all. You will want to be on your own to discover what you believe you have done wrong.

More about Someone Wearing Torn Clothes

Dream of clothes means that the family will not be a heavy burden to bear. You strengthen your self-esteem and take forward what you had set out to do before the summer. Actions and your way of thinking will change and you will feel more sensitive and more human. Hidden talents in art, music, dance, manifest themselves to the amazement of all. You will want to be on your own to discover what you believe you have done wrong.

Dream of tears shows that you will dare to achieve or realize what you have hitherto considered impossible. The family will have to take care of the overworked moment and lend a hand. He may ask you a somewhat unusual favor, but you will be able to do it for him. If you do, you will get what you want to get in an easier and more comfortable way for you. Good luck will encourage you to follow a new and bright path.

ADVICE: Put all your enthusiasm and interest in what you are doing right now. Search for truth and essence in the being that will share your intimacy with you.

WARNING: Try to get back the hours of sleep and don’t demand more than what is really necessary. Reconcile with the past and leave it behind.

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