Dream of Sunken Boat

MEANING: Dream of sunken boat signifies that caring for your body and mind will focus your concerns today. You will now have the power to create beauty, wealth and health. An unexpected event occurs, something that you must solve immediately and that you did not expect. He’s just going through a rough patch. Take good care of physical, mental and emotional health.

SOON: Dream of sunken boat shows that it’s time to confess to someone you trust. There is a sentimental issue where you are waiting for someone’s reaction. Winds are blowing in your favor in the labor field. You have a special ability to deal with people. You go ahead with those plans that you have noticed in romantic or seductive matters.

FUTURE: Dream of sunken boat signifies that someone very dear to you pushes you forward. Someone will appear in your life to make you value all the good in it. In a society event you will interact with each other and feel in your salsa. You will be very sensual and attractive and will capture everyone’s attention. The call of a family member will fill you with enthusiasm, charisma, energy and power.

More about Sunken Boat

Dream of boat suggests that someone very dear to you pushes you forward. Someone will appear in your life to make you value all the good in it. In a society event you will interact with each other and feel in your salsa. You will be very sensual and attractive and will capture everyone’s attention. The call of a family member will fill you with enthusiasm, charisma, energy and power.

ADVICE: Take advantage of the opportunity to solve domestic issues, go on a sale, meet friends. Stay calm, even if things go against you.

WARNING: Don’t keep waiting for others to take the initiative. Above all, ask, investigate, do not throw yourself blindly into any relationship.

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