Dream of Movement In Stomach

MEANING: Dream of movement in stomach shows that any kind of meeting will be favorable, positive to what you are planning for the future. For a while you will feel betrayed, but don’t stop trusting the people you love. Today your strength will slacken, perhaps because of the excesses of the weekend. You will have to be very patient and above all tolerant especially with your partner. Some aspects of your personality are in conflict.

SOON: Dream of movement in stomach suggests that you recover a love situation that was a little deteriorated. You know well, on a deep level, what you really want to do. Having fun with others and being sociable is good, but sometimes you overdo it and that is not good. The relationship is not damaged, but it is likely that in the last few weeks you have neglected it. On the one hand you would like me to collaborate, but on the other hand you do not see it clearly.

FUTURE: Dream of movement in stomach symbolises that you will be able to relax and go ahead with your plans. You will share with your partner moments of great happiness and you will not even do great things. You will see again a person you have appreciated for a long time. Labor relations will be good, although you may suffer from a clash with a colleague. The enemies flee and realize they have lost the battle against you.

More about Movement In Stomach

Dream of something in my stomach indicates that you will be able to relax and go ahead with your plans. You will share with your partner moments of great happiness and you will not even do great things. You will see again a person you have appreciated for a long time. Labor relations will be good, although you may suffer from a clash with a colleague. The enemies flee and realize they have lost the battle against you.

ADVICE: Wait for the events, which will soon change all that tension. This emotional communication is important for both of us and you must not lose it.

WARNING: Don’t be nervous or pessimistic in advance. Accept that you like to spend, recognize the problem and find a solution.

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